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Friday, February 10, 2017

February: The Month of Love

It's February, we made it through the month of winter blues! Although this month is dedicated to love, who says we all can't enjoy the different shades of pink this month has to offer? 

I'm a big believer in taking initiative and making the best out of what you have. I feel like Valentine's Day can be difficult sometimes, I've certainly been there. It can be such an awkward day for someone who is single, but it doesn't have to be. Just because you are single doesn't mean that you can't take pride in making the best out of the season. 

Grab some of your gal pals and have a sleep-over marathon full of fun pjs and sweet treats. I'd love to treat my single and non-single girl friends with a fun DIY snack bar to show them my appreciation. 

Even something as little as a DIY gift from Pinterest can do wonders. I'm a firm believer in that this is a month to show our gratitude and appreciation for someone, whether it be a significant other or your best friends. 

I hope you have a wonderful Valentine's Day who whoever you share it with.

Thanks for reading!

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