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Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Living a Happy & Positive Life

Untitled #18

Hello everyone! Happy Wednesday! I thought that a Monday would be a suitable time to talk about positivity and how I live a happy life.

We all go through hardships in life and sometimes at the time they may feel like the worst thing in life. No one chooses to go through them, life just throws them at you.

I'm normally credited with being one of the most positive people. Why? Because I choose to be. Here are some of my tips and tricks to live positively:

1) Surround Yourself with Supportive People: Having a support system on all days not just rough days is important because those people help remind you of the joy and the great things going on in your life. They are a constant reminder of your value, strengths and nothing is better than having a great group of people to help celebrate achievements with!

2) Let Go of Negativity: You may be positive, but being around someone who pushes you down or holds you back is not going to bring you joy nor push you further. It's not easy to drop a friendship, a relationship or even quit a job, but life is short and time is limited.

This is sometimes harder that it seems, and for me especially, I don't like to think of anything as negative or burn any bridges. One thing I have learned in the past year is that at the end of the day you are the most valuable thing in life. You come before anything else, and your negativity can negatively impact others.

3) Take a Moment to Realize the Great Things In Life: Look at what you have, the things that you are grateful for. Be humble of your experiences and look at the glass half full. There is always something good that can be taken from something bad. What did you learn? What can you change for next time?

4) Enjoy Life One Day at a Time: Be excited for the little things, and treat yourself. Create a space where you are at peace.

I love nothing more than coming home from a long day and just seeing my room and how its decorate to reflect me. The soft white blankets, the textures, soft socks the fairy lights. Ending the day with a great read or a great Youtube video.

5) Make Time for Yourself: Enjoy that very second and those moments you have for yourself. As a young adult, my life is constantly on-the-go and sometimes I'm so busy that I neglect to make time to just relax. Recuperating and finding a zen place is important because staying happy will allow you to be more efficient and do a better job.  Sometimes you just need to stop and chill.

6) Choose to Be Happy: because I see how my happy vibes bring happy vibes to other people. As a little girl I always felt like my time is valuable, and in my life time I can do great things. I can touch and change the lives of others.

I hope these tips help!

Thanks for reading!

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