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Monday, March 7, 2016

Spring Staples

Spring Staples
Hello! I know its not officially spring, but its definitely starting to feel like it! Obviously, you should always dress appropriate for the weather, but here are some of my key pieces for spring!

Spring is that in between season, and like fall its actually one of my favourite seasons to dress for. I love bundling up for the winter, but I also like the sunshine and dressing light.

Spring means that we can get away with lighter tones as pastels are the way to go.

Influenced by the the soft pink hues and greenery of new blooms, this colour pallet can sometimes be tough to pair with. Blacks are much too harsh to pair with the delicate tones of spring, so my go-to colours are taupes, greys and whites. They are subtle and do not over power the delicate pastles.

My favourites are white jeans and taupe boots or booties. In Canada, its not warm enough to wear open toe shoes just yet.

I love skirts in general, but since the weather has gotten a little bit warmer for spring and we don't need to bulk up for warmth, I can finally wear the new skirt I've been saving since Christmas! A recent favourite is the new suede trend. Suede is great for non-rainy days, but a great way to incorporate it anyway is through a skirt or a jacket!

Vests are great transitional pieces, especially the sleeveless trench coat. I would pair these with a long sleeve shift dress or body con dress. Skirts also work as well as a long sleeve and jeans! they are such verstile staples.
They say "April showers bring May flowers," so an umbrella is a necessity for the spiring. A cute umbrella can help pull together an outfit. I have my eye out for a red or a clear umbrella. I love this one from Kate Spade.

Thanks for reading!

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